Cynthia shares stories & musings & lessons lived from her experiences in spiritual & psychic development and personal growth & healing. Below is one particular story from a 2016 family road-trip.
It was an early morning on the road. My husband & I sat up front and the two kids were in the back, headed out to Montana from Florida to visit my parents for a vacation. Everyone had had a decent night's rest and we were all breakfasted & refreshed. My husband - ever in love with his carefully curated playlist of driving music - had put the system on "shuffle" hoping to get a good mix up of his ultimate favorites.
We were somewhere in a midwestern state, heading northwest. I remember closing my book, looking back at the kids who were surprisingly not fighting and not on any entertainment device, and enjoying the scenic views. There were a series of really good mood-boosters from the playlist. Then, a band of Florida-boys came up, their music gently rolling its bluesy tune through the speakers.
You know those songs that you can't remember ever having heard before but just feeling like you know it? One of those songs that seems to dive into your soul and actually pluck the string it wants to resonate with? This was one of those songs for me. I heard my hubby start singing along, and - before I could stop myself - I had joined in. By the time the refrain hit, all of us - even the kids - were singing as if it were the most popular radio-played song on the charts and we all knew it perfectly. None of us can sing very well, but the heart & soul feeling of the song that just opened us up and filled the whole car was amazing to me.
I love those moments! It's all too easy in today's world for us to miss shared moments of impromptu, soulful resonance - even with those dearest to us. And, don't be fooled by complacency either. We can have these moments frequently and still squander their gift by not acknowledging or noticing them, or not opening fully to reveling in them, or not recalling them fondly (whether in detail, or in sensation & energy). May you find many moments of pure bliss & humor & light-heartedness! May you remember to reimmerse yourself in those blissful moments, especially if things aren't too obviously blissful. It's like a healing balm to the spirit.
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Cynthia shares channeled messages, visions, dreams, & journey experiences to uplift and inspire - sometimes like a wild-woman riddle, sometimes like a short story, sometimes like poetic verse. In the example below, Cynthia shares...
"When the visions take you deep into the future, follow the path of drums & waterfalls to the space where you weave vibrations... give the vision form deliberately and it will thrive. When in waking-dreams you have occasion to act reasonably toward the vision, do so. And if the action is unreasonable, the vision may not be yours, let it go for its owner to find." - Instructions received May 2023