Dynamic Alchemy with Venus & Retrograde Effects
Dynamic Alchemy is an alchemy of the soul & spirit, how you as a Being channels Life Force into existence by your Becoming. It’s the mixing, blending, and tempering of all these energies – subtle & gross (or, dense) – that flow to you and through you and swirl within your experience of life on every level of Spirit, Mind, & Body. Venus – either goddess or planetary influencer in astrology – represents the gross, dense, sensual, physical, profane energies of existence pertaining to creation. More precisely, the creation or manifestation itself. This energy highlights material form and sensual physical experience – environment, appearance, beauty, relationships, health, abundance, finances, sexuality, food, pleasure, values, interests, enjoyment/ entertainment, etc. Yet, for all we attribute to Venus’s characteristics and symbolism, we often forget – because these energies engage our physical senses so intensely in our experience – this is the realm of illusion. In Dynamic Alchemy, there is the symbolism of the Veiled Isis. She is the inherent weaver and wisdom-keeper of the universal mystery of how Aether is turned into form, how “thoughts turn to things”. When the Life Force flows to and through you, it is Veiled Isis who - informed by your thought-focus (attention), emotions, and vibrational patterning – spins the threads of the Life Force according to your pattern and into your very real, tangible, and sensory experiences. Isis Unveiled is this Venus energy, the Creatrix. This energy weaves the form according to the patterned threads which have arisen within and gives their expression to be experienced without in density with the gross physical senses. However, we must not forget that the threads, weaving, and patterns all carry the vibration with which we began – the grid or structure of our thoughts, emotions, habits, words, behaviors, etc. This means that though we heavily get distracted by our physical experience and physical senses, the capacity of our subtle, energetic senses to “sniff out” what emotional & thoughtful patterns we gave to Veiled Isis (consciously or unconsciously) is just as useful and strong if we use them also in how we experience the world. That is how we can get beyond the illusion and be mor aware and directive of what pattern we give to Veiled Isis and what creation we receive from Isis Unveiled. This month, as Venus – the Isis Unveiled energy – turns retrograde (July 22 – Sept 3), we can take time to slow down, evaluate what is around us in our experience, an assess our relationships within and without. Are you connected within and tending your thoughts, feelings, pleasures, pains, self-talk, intuitions, goals, dreams, values? Are you tending your vehicle of expression – your body, your words, your behaviors, your boundaries, your personality, your integrity? What is in your experience right now that you appreciate – not just what you’re thankful for but – what do you care for with your gratitude and attention thereby increasing its value? Where do you put your attention? Is it something you want to appreciate (more bills & scarcity versus more money & opportunity)? With the retrograde energy of Venus we can take time to evaluate our attentions, goals, and appreciations. We can make offering of our attention to our own health & self-care regimen, wealth management, opportunity (schedule) management, and see how we are relating to our environment – relationships with others, relationships with circumstances, relationships with objects in our homes or offices or public spaces. And, with this evaluation we can find what we want to put our attention on, how we want to create sacred space in our bodies, minds, hearts, homes, and wherever our sphere of influence reaches.
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AuthorCynthia Botsko is an author of poetry, metaphysics, and channeled wisdom for the empowerment and upliftment of humanity. Sign up for e-news weekly updates - with new posts, links, & access to exclusive subscriber content.
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